Public Awareness

Liver Cancer Awareness

Liver Cancer

As the 6th most common type of cancer, Liver Cancer can develop as different types.1
80% of patients suffer from Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC).2
10% – 20% of patients suffer from Cholangiocarcinoma or biliary tract cancer (BTC).3

We honour and remember a month devoted to liver cancer awareness.4
Early diagnosis can Improve outcomes, contact your doctor for more information, screening and treatment options.


Caption - HCC

Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) is the most common Liver Cancer in adults, especially those with hepatitis infection or cirrhosis.1
Most often diagnosed in people aged 50 or older, it occurs more often in men than women.2

We honour and remember a month devoted to liver cancer awareness.3
Early diagnosis can improve outcomes, contact your doctor for more information, screening and treatment options.


Caption - BTC

Possible signs and symptoms of BTC that shouldn’t be ignored are appetite or weight loss, nausea and vomiting, dark urine, etc.1-3
We honour and remember a month devoted to liver cancer awareness.4

Early diagnosis can improve outcomes, contact your doctor for more information, screening and treatment options.


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Liver Cancer diagnosis can be better managed if detected early. This Liver Cancer Awareness Month, recognize the symptoms to not miss out on timely intervention. Risk-factors for liver cancer include HBV, HCV infection, cirrhosis, and smoking.1

We honour and remember a month devoted to liver cancer awareness. 

Early diagnosis can improve outcomes, contact your doctor for more information, screening and treatment options.



Colon cancer screening information

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